The 15 Most Valuable Dime Coins Errors Stil In Circulation - Damia Global Services The 15 Most Valuable Dime Coins Errors Stil In Circulation - Damia Global Services

The 15 Most Valuable Dime Coins Errors Stil In Circulation 

15. 1999-D Roosevelt Dime (Wrong Strike)

14. 1998 Bonded Group of Roosevelt Dimes

13. 1965 Roosevelt Dime (Transitional Error)

12. 1969-D Roosevelt Dime (Missing Clad Layer)

11. 1970-S Roosevelt Dime (No Mintmark)

10. 1969-D D Roosevelt Dime (Repunched)

9. 1969-D Roosevelt Dime (Double Struck)

8. 1967 Roosevelt Dime (Double Die and Rim Clip)

7. 1964-D Roosevelt Proof Dime (No Mintmark)

6. 1983-S Roosevelt Dime (No Mintmark)

5. 1988-D Dime (Repunch Mintmark)

4. 1982 Roosevelt Dime (No Mintmark)

3. 1975-S Roosevelt Dime (No Mintmark)

2. 1968-S Roosevelt Dime (No Mintmark)

1. 1942 1 Mercury Dime (Overdate)

15 Lincoln Memorial Penny Errors and Varieties Worth Big Bucks

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