Top 8 Most Ancient Coins Ever Minted - Damia Global Services Top 8 Most Ancient Coins Ever Minted - Damia Global Services

Top 8 Most Ancient Coins Ever Minted

8. The Portrait Denarius Of Cleopatra And Mark Antony, 32 BC

7. The Titus Colosseum Sestertius, 81-82 AD

6. The Gold Stater Of Croesus, 550 BC

5. The Naxos Tetradrachm, 460 BC

4. The Akragas Decadrachm, 411 BC

3. The Decadrachms Of Syracuse, 400-390 BC

2. The Athens Decadrachm, 460-430 BC

1. The Most Important Ancient Coin: The Brutus “Eid Mar” Denarius, 42 BC

9 Most Valauble Draped Bust Dimes

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