The Top 10 Ugliest Coins Ever Minted in the United States - Damia Global Services The Top 10 Ugliest Coins Ever Minted in the United States - Damia Global Services

The Top 10 Ugliest Coins Ever Minted in the United States

10. Morgan Dollar

9. 1996 Soccer Half

8.) JFK Presidential Dollar (2015)

7.) Cincinnati Half Dollar (1936)

6.) Flowing Hair Half Dollar and Dime (1794-1795)

5. Classic Head Quarter Eagle

4.) Three Cent Silver (1851-1873)

3.) Effigy Mounds Quarter (2017)

2.) Chain Cent (1793)

2.) Chain Cent (1793)

1.) Susan B. Anthony Dollar Coin (1979-1999)

The Top 11 Most Popular Coins Wanted By Collectors

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